Dataviz Adventure

Data visualization as an expressive medium to narrate what we discover.

Hello, my name is Enrique Mendoza and I am passionate about data visualization and information design. Nice to meet you all!

I studied management in health and biology, but in the last two years I have developed a strong interest in design and data visualization.

I work mainly in two niches as a freelance. The first creating static data visualization and storytelling (using design tools like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop) for individuals or small businesses. The second is creating business dashboards (usually with Power BI and sometimes with Tableau).

It is not my goal to become a data scientist, but to be able to search the area and use several of its tools in different fields. So at the moment my immediate objective is to improve on my Data Visualization skills, which I understand is a necessary tool in different fields to better manage information and make optimal decisions. Personally, I believe that this field can save, change and improve lives through graphics.

So what do I intend to do on this blog?

Exactly the usual, keep learning … but recording it in this place.

So far my curiosity has helped me to become a complete self-taught. Thanks to this, I have achieved an advanced level, from my point of view, using tools such as R and Adobe Illustrator, and will soon reach the same level with Power BI and Tableau, I hope so 😝. I promise to share as much information as possible and my workflow, in return I look forward to receiving your comments and advice, I will greatly appreciate it.

So, feel free to connect with me on Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter, or leave your thoughts and your ideas by writing me an email.

Many thanks!!! 😁

E. Mendoza

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